Tricking Mapbox with synthetic events

Creating and dispatching custom DOM events

by Dan

tech 🤖|

A screenshot of Mapbox with a label over it

The Problem

If you overlay HTML on top of a or

Potential Solutions

1. Map forwards gestures to overlayed

's A screenshot of Figma jamboard map to div brainstorm

We would remove all events from the

element using: pointer-events: none. Then, find the coordinates of the
within the Map/Canvas. Add event listeners on the map so that every time the mouse enters the
's bounding box location, the relevant events would kick off. In our case, we made certain areas of the map opaque when hovered on a label.

The con of this solution were the expensive event listeners. Since we have to constantly track the position of the mouse and check if it was on our

labels, there was too much lag for this to be viable.

2. The label captures hovers and clicks, while the map handles pan and zooms A screenshot of Figma jamboard impossible brainstorm It would be nice if we could have found a way to turn off some events, rather than all like with the pointer-events: none. However, from what we saw this was not possible.

Our Solution

The label forwards events to the map. A screenshot of Figma jamboard label to map brainstorm

We create events within the label using the Event Constructor then dispatch them ON the . We weren't sure if this would work, since we were relying on the Mapbox api to pickup and naturally handle these custom events... but it did! The magic 🧙 is in this small snippet.

const canvas = document.querySelector('#map');
const label = document.querySelector('#label');

label.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
  let options = {
    pageX: e.pageX,
    pageY: e.pageY,
    clientX: e.clientX,
    clientY: e.clientY,

  canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', options));

Find both the map and label from the DOM, add new event listener for mouse down to the label, dispatch a mouse event with the relevant fields to the canvas and 💥, you have drag panning on the map while mousedowned on a

external from the .

Our full playground is in this clickable link to the CodePen - link.

Bonus Complexity

One fun little learning 👨‍🎓 involved the wheel event. We needed to force it to be a passive event on the DOM, overriding the browser's native handling of zooming into the screen when a user pinches their trackpad. This way when a user pinches-to-zoom while over a label the map handles the zoom into itself.

const canvas = document.querySelector('#map');
const label = document.querySelector('#label');

  e => {
    // Need this to prevent browsers native zooming
    const syntheticEvent = new WheelEvent('wheel', {
      deltaY: e.deltaY,
      deltaX: e.deltaX,
      deltaZ: e.deltaZ,
      clientX: e.clientX,
      clientY: e.clientY,

    // The tricky passive option - not sure if way to set this in React event handlers
  { passive: false },