Setting my 2022 goals

The very first

by Dan

goals 🥅|

I have begun each of the past 6 years by creating a PowerPoint of goals I hope to accomplish for the following year. I use the end of December and early January as a time to reflect on what I set out to do the past year and what I am looking to grow in for the next. This year, in the name of simpifying and making my goals as transparent as possible, I am trying something new. I am going to track my progress in my Master List, and do my best to write concise monthly blog updates on my progress.

Historically, the most difficult challenge has been developing a consistent and productive morning routine - something I have always struggled with - so that will be the heart ❤️ of what I will be trying to get into early this year. Here is to overcoming our mental barriers and kicking butt in 2022 🥳.

The Habit Tracker and 2022 Goals

Habit tracker and years goals

Morning Routine

  • Wake up at 6am
  • Finish 1 lesson of my Chinese App
  • 15+ minutes of guitar practice
  • 15+ minutes of drawing practice
  • Optional - 30 min bike & stretching before work

Nightly Routine

  • Read before sleep
  • Optional - Meditation